Rockers Movement




Brooklyn Arts Center is an ode to the arts and an opportunity to give back to the community. This inviting outdoor space personifies the energetic spirit of Brooklyn. Brooklyn Arts Center caters to the incredible cultural diversity in Kings County. With competitive pricing and a focus on customer service we are here to offer authentic artistic experiences. New York has been known to offer the highest quality of cultural performances and service to communities available anywhere. The brainchild of Alfonso D’Niscio Brooks who has earned the reputation of building platforms to spotlight cultural diversity and inclusion. Learn more in his own words by visiting alfonsobrooks.com

If art is the expression of life, then there can be nothing foreign to art. The social conflict and the human capacity for progress is never to be taken lightly. The Afro-Caribbean arts and cultural community in New York is a story of big dreams. The odds have been stacked against it along the way. However, by not limiting ourselves by what we have been told to be true has made the impossible possible. Dreaming is one of humanity’s greatest gifts and with the Brooklyn Arts Center we have indulged in an age-old adage that says if we build it, they will come. We have dedicated our lives to raising awareness and sharing knowledge through the arts. It has been a journey filled with challenges, sacrifices and life lessons but more importantly it has been one filled with hope and rising to the occasion.

Brooklyn Arts Center is an affiliate of Rockers Movement which is a successful vertical integrated brand. Supported by a unique and loyal following, the company growth has been increasing since its creation. Through the social consciousness aspect of the arts, Rockers Movement’s marketing strategies have always had a vanguard and innovative vision of the market. In order to fit that vision and based on our analysis of the market and its competition, as well as the social environment of the typical Rockers Movement customer profiles, the business plan presented here considers actions to respond to three major goals:

1. Create a successful event space for lovers of the arts

2. Increase “the Company” online community by 20% by the end of 2016;

3. Develop “the Company” positive brand image by 80% by the end of 2016.

Brooklyn Arts Center is Brooklyn’s outdoor events haven. During the events, we work on brand image and encourage interaction with the arts and cultural community. The location of the Brooklyn Arts Center visually stimulates our customers and help them connect with the community. This location is hip, urban, natural and trendy, same as our Company who wants our customers to see and experience with us. Visuals are emphasized in order to stimulate the audience so they not only see but also feel the space reaching out to them.

Brooklyn Arts Center is progressing the corporate priority to make Brooklyn culturally and economically richer; a vibrant, diverse, inclusive place where people want to live, work and visit. We recognize the positive effect creative activity has on individuals; providing enjoyment, enlivening spaces and enriching lives.Culture makes places distinctive, engendering pride in the local community. It also makes a practical contribution in terms of sustainability, providing employment, encouraging learning and inspiring people to adopt creative and active lifestyles.

Through culture communities are better able to engage young people in constructive activity and attract the people and businesses essential for a prosperous local economy.;

In order to further develop a comprehensive and integrated cultural offer and increase the profile of Brooklyn as a visitor destination Brooklyn Arts Center supports tourism, culture, heritage and the arts in a bold and innovative way.

This event space has been designed to appeal to the widest audience and includes cultural performances of music, dance, yoga, art exhibitions and more.

Our programs will balance community participation with excellence by offering events of both a local and international flavor, including outdoor celebration and a number of other high profile events featuring artistic performances of significant caliber. The Brooklyn ARC as it is more commonly called has been designed to appeal to the widest audience and includes but not limited to: cultural performances, church crusades, youth extravaganzas, workshops, multimedia seminars, dance, yoga, art exhibitions, musical concerts, spoken word and more.

In order to encourage communities without an existing cultural calendar to instigate their own arts events we will be offering support to local volunteers to help ensure as many boroughs as possible take part.

This plan has been developed by specialists from Culture, Tourism and Economic Development in a collaborative approach to profile the cultural offer to residents and visitors with an aim of boosting the local economy.

Brooklyn Arts Center is an opportunity to give back to the community, also a way to connect with consumers on a personal level. The arts’ is a key part of who people are. It is a powerful pathway to create relationship with the consumer. The arts’ is a central contribution to local vitality and provide focus and stimulus for cultural tourism.

Our aim is to share best practice, provide training opportunities and enable the city to offer a joint marketing initiative that packages the arts collectively and adds a higher level of profiling to individual local campaigns.