Who among us will take the lead in assisting our community to begin enriching the value of our lives? Rockers Movement has initiated the process through creating festivals, contacting media, initiating and sharing sustainability models, cultivating community networks, along with discourses with officials, and providing hands on education. We empower citizens and leaders, and by highlighting amazing people, organization, and our sponsors we share power full social relationship skills and tools needed for healthy lives and a resilient world, thus providing these groups with the experience and resources to help achieve tangible results they could not access on their own and to create a social platform, in which the city is recognized, as involved in solving such social ill as hunger, thus the Miami Reggae Festival, A Festival of Food, Ideas and oneness coming together joining forces as the crowd did in the following video to support our friend sing our National Anthem. Genuine kindness and hope exists in humanity.
An international Music Festival is one that embraces contrasting views of a oneness shared, a vision of the universe of shared values of planetary wealth and an understanding of who, what, when, where, culminating in the same rhythm, different language, same view, not as me versus them, because we know and they don’t, that passé, we thought of it first, yea right, righteousness flow from within, faith to faith, love to love.
As Rockers Movement moves forward, we begin a new element to our ‘feeding the world’ vision. As needs of the poor increase at home, so it does abroad countries and cultures amass daily more stress, starvation, inhumane conditions. Whilst at home, wasted resources and manpower needed to address worldwide starvation depend on votes and self-gratification. It’s not hunger, its starvation and the world feels it because of you, our audience.
Rockers Movement gives hope to those in desperate need your ongoing support extends a hand of fellowship and encouragement to those whose lives are touched by your donations and consideration as our effort to represent you, the Rockers audience continues worldwide.
Our sincere thanks to those who have so thought fully provided your ongoing gift of support and understanding your aid in leaving a legacy of love to last for generations. On behalf of all of you who helped, Thank You.