Rockers Apparel is a street culture brand focused on some of the most traditional and contemporary art movements.
A brand borne out of struggle in Brooklyn with strong links to underground culture. We share a burning desire to rise above life’s challenges, and to stand victorious with reckless abandon and adversity at our feet.
We explore new frontiers of style, substance and quality. Why show up to say nothing? Our designs are bold and colorful emphasizing on ideas and concepts. We believe if you’re not pushing the envelope, you’re not interesting.
Often misunderstood, outcast for our rebellious ways and group construct. We are individuals who refuse to conform to the ‘status quo’. Some of the first exemplars to rock our brand were Brooklyn B-boys, Punks, Skaters and Reggae aficionados.
We confound expectations. We want to see people triumph. Life is not about the external environment around us. It is our attitude and personality with the determination that comes from within, that define us. Rockers Apparel is a spirit, a vibe and a way of life.
The arts have been a gateway for rockers globally. Our staff and most of the people you see wearing Rockers Apparel, identify with the life and style of the movement and are drawn to it as a form of self-expression. Join us on the Rockers Runway called life and be a part of the street culture regeneration. We Are Rockers!